
I'm a Graphic Designer...

Thats not my studio. It's theirs.

'Oh... so what does that involve then?'

For goodness sake. I'd really love to bore whoever asks that with longwinded accounts about kerning and grid systems, but I find myself just pointing at the nearest thing to me and saying, 'see that poster? I could do that, but better obviously'.

Its such a useless explanation which undersells what we do, but where do you begin trying to explain such a broad occupation to someone without seeing their eyes glaze over and think of cake?

Like every appalling last minute essay, i'm now about to burden you with the dictionary definition of a graphic designer.

Graphic Designer: the art or skill of combining text and pictures in advertisements,magazines, or books.

Thats not to bad a stab at it to be honest, if a little blunt. But these days, a graphic designer has to have his hand in so many baskets, if nothing else, just for fear that they won't earn any money otherwise. So we're a bit more than that now. I at least prefer the name graphic designer to the term 'Creative', which sounds more like a race than anything else. I find it a comical term, that we use it segregate a group of people, alienating them from the rest that aren't 'Creative'. Bow before me, for I know how to use Gaussian Blur!

For goodness sake, surely we're all creative in some way? Goodness knows how you manage long car journeys and waiting in cold long queues otherwise. So how do I explain what I do?

Not a clue. But i'll let you know.

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