
Shift Live No.1

Following the success of their launch event, Open For Business, the North East-based creative internship programme, Shift, is hosting a series of upcoming events under their 
banner: Shift Live.

These events will promote their exciting internship programme, and are designed to engage and inspire young creatives by helping to develop their skills, introducing them to leading industry professionals and creating employment opportunities.

Taking the form of Shift's first birthday, Shift Live No.1, is taking place at Think Tank, Hoults Yard, Newcastle on Thurs 28 March from 4pm until 2am. 

With free food, drinks flowing and talks from leading creative industry professionals, Shift Live No.1 will introduce the internship programme's new online platform, and offer young people the chance to apply for the latest internship positions, as well giving industry practitioners the opportunity to become a Shift mentor. 

To end the afternoon there'll be stand-up from fabulous comic, Fern Brady, to get everyone in the mood for the after party. 

Taking place from 7.45pm until 2am, the after party will offer live music from Static Soul and This Ground Moves, in addition to a set from Dean Paul Walton, resident DJ at Gotham Town.

As an internship programme, Shift is a scheme which bridges the gap between education and industry by providing young people the chance to get real experience working within a creative agency environment. 

Nick Johnson, owner of Precept, the creative agency which founded Shift said: "Shift started out as in internal internship programme to propel a group of interns housed in the Precept studio last summer.”
“Since its success we've been looking to implement an outreach programme to help other budding creatives that we otherwise couldn't provide for. Shift Live isn't just a series of knock out events, it's also the name of our new soon to be launched online platform which allow creatives to sign up as members and actively get involved with Shift's live briefs remotely." 

"Members will also receive free entry to a whole host of shindigs, workshops and conferences we have planned throughout 2013 as well as access to a range of creative resources via the new website. It's completely free and you can join the waiting list prior to its launch by signing up at www.weareshift.org or by attending our upcoming event.”

Another development taking place within in the Shift studio is a new 6 month programme providing an industry-lead learning environment in which participants are cultivated as individuals, develop their creative skills and are coached on how to work together as a collaborative team in a real agency environment. Shift now has dedicated space and facilities for 15 - 20 interns at any one time.

Outside of the studio, Shift encourages other business leaders to get involved as mentors, using their experience and industry expertise to help young people develop invaluable skills that will allow them to find work. 

Andrew Kilburn, co-founder of Shift, said: “All of the team are passionate about living and working in the North East. For too long London agencies have been attracting all of our local talent. We want to encourage more young creatives to stay in the region.” 

“Shift is about providing an environment where their talent can be nurtured and where they can get real experience that is going to land them a job.”

To find out more and get involved visit www.weareshift.org

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