As my time on the FdA course is coming to an end, my future plans have become ever more pressing an issue. Of course, i've had to start putting a number of plans in place so i've got all the basis covered. I'm not one for focusing on one route and sticking to it, I like to have back up plans. Because of this, i've looked at all my options and there are three routes that currently have place.
1. Get a Job at an Agency
I've been very fortunate to have had the opportunity to work at a design agency, and fit my time there around my College Studies. Precept have given me the opportunity to acquire bags of experience, which hasn't just prepared me for working full time, but its also helped to take my college work to the next level. I've been surrounded by people with a wide range of skills, and its been so beneficial to watch them work, be inspired by them and listen to what they have to say about their experiences in the industry and their future goals. Working regular on areas of projects has helped me to gain a valuable insight into working in the industry, from meeting clients, to pitching ideas and meeting tight deadlines. I've learnt that its rarely an easy, or straightforward lifestyle, but it has many rewards.
My time at Precept has helped me to realise that getting myself a place in a design agency is my ideal next step. I took a year out of education after Sixth Form, and now after completing this course I feel ready to get back into full time work.
2. Work Freelance
This is probably the scariest option of the three currently available to me. Freelance work can be an incredibly successful career path, but it can also be filled with many pitfalls. Whilst i'm not so worried about the financial side of working for myself, finding worthwhile work and having the confidence in my own abilities to liase and pitch ideas successfully with clients does frighten me a little. Without work I simply won't earn money, and to find work I need contacts.
That is the key stumbling block for me. I currently believe that in order to make a success of going freelance, I need to have a good few years experience under my belt, and the contacts required to make a natural transition into freelance. I don't believe I can do this without working at an agency first.
Of course, freelance is an option for me to do on the side of a full time, or part time job I may acquire in the design industry or elsewhere, but having it as my primary source of income, currently, feels like a big risk.
3. Stay in Higher Education
My final option is currently my back up plan. That isn't to say its an option i'm not taking seriously, or i'm not enthusiastic about, on the contrary in fact, but I do prefer to find myself some full time work.
The option i've taken to stay in education, is for me to do a third year top up at Newcastle College, studying a Creative Practice top up. This year would hopefully be spent mainly on work placement, and my dissertation would fit around that. My UCAS application has been processed and I have had a conditional offer on this course, providing I pass my third year.
The interview for the third year gave me the opportunity to present my portfolio to one of the course leaders. The portfolio i'm referring to is the brochure I produced and wrote about a few weeks ago. It was a valuable experience to sit down with someone and go through the work I had produced, not just because I was showing it someone, but it was interesting just to reflect upon what i'd produced myself. The interviewer asked a number of provoking questions, some of which I wasn't expecting, which gave me the chance to think more about what I want to do in the future.
Long Term Aspirations
As far as looking long term, I'd love to be able to run my own small agency. Whether that is based locally in Blyth, Newcastle, or further afield, i'm not yet sure. But being able to work for myself, probably along with a couple of others, is something i'd love to be able to do. However I know that just isn't a realistic option at present.
I still feel I have alot of mistakes to make, and having experienced people around me, will help me to come back from these mistakes more successfully. I want to learn from people with bags of experience as well, and I can't do that if I'm just working for myself.
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